Sugar, Spice, and Some Self Care Advice
Self care is incredibly hard to put into practice, but it is an essential key to a healthy life. More often than not, those of us who are chronically ill spend more time in the caregiver role because it provides us with a sense of purpose, a sense that many of us struggle to feel because of the changes chronic illness has brought into our lives. While it is nice to take care of others and be there for them, we cannot forget to be there for ourselves and nurture our own bodies. I tend to struggle with this greatly; as a matter of fact, I don't really practice self care at all (or as much as I should). That being said, self care isn't always bubble baths, lit candles, and expensive face masks. Sure, it can be that. But it is also taking your medication, slowing down when your body needs it, getting the right amount of sleep, eating healthy, etc... For myself, I don't always have the energy to run a hot bath and lay there. Sometimes it can cause complications with my own ill...